Projects deployments and lifecycles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WIP doc Pre-requisite ============= You need a sudo access on the remote machine, which can typically be obtained with the ``playlabs init`` command ie.:: playlabs init root@ # all options are ansible options are proxied, so this also works playlabs init @somehost --ask-become-pass The ssh, docker and firewall playlabs roles must be installed on the server:: playlabs install ssh,docker,firewall,nginx @somehost Deploying a docker image ======================== Examples:: playlabs @somehost deploy image=betagouv/mrs:master playlabs @somehost deploy image=betagouv/mrs:master plugins=postgres,django,uwsgi backup_password=foo prefix=ybs instance=hack env.SECRET_KEY=itsnotasecret playlabs @somehost deploy prefix=testenv instance=$CI_BRANCH image=$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA Deployments =========== The `project` role is made to be generic and cover infrastructure needs to develop a project, from development to production. Spawn an environment, here with an example image this repo is tested against:: playlabs @yourhost deploy betagouv/mrs:master '{"env":{"SECRET_KEY" :"itsnotasecret"}}' It will use the IP address by default if ansible finds it, set the dns with the dns option ````, or set it in ``project_staging_dns`` yaml variable of `your-inventory/group_vars/all/project.yml`. This is because the default prefix is ``project`` and the default instance is ``staging``. Let's learn a new way of specifiying variables, add to your variables:: yourproject_production_image: yourimage:production yourproject_production_env: SECRET_KEY: itsnotsecret # the above value could be encrypted with ansible-vault s_encrypt Then you can deploy as such:: playlabs @yourhost deploy prefix=yourproject instance=production If you configure yourhost in your inventory, in group "yourproject-production", then you don't have to specify the host anymore:: playlabs @yourhost project prefix=$CI_PROJECT instance=$CI_BRANCH Project plugins =============== PostgreSQL or Django or uWSGI support are provided through project plugins, which you may activate as such: - specify ``-p postgres,uwsgi,django`` - configure ``yourprefix_yourinstance_plugins=[postgres, uwsgi, django]`` - add to Dockerfile ``ENV PLAYLABS_PLUGINS postgres,uwsgi,django`` The order of plugins matters, having postgres first ensures postgres is started before the project image. Plugins are directories located at the root of playlabs repo, but at some point we can imagine loading them from the image itself. Plugins contain the following: - vars.yml: variables that are auto-loaded - deploy.pre.yml: tasks to execute before deploy of the project image - tasks to execute after deploy of the project image - included in template before the backup - included in template before the backup - included in template before the restore - included in template before the restore Default plugins live in playlabs/plugins and have the following files: - `` take files out of containers and add them to the $backup variable - `` clean up files you have taken out after the backup has been done - `` clear the place where you want to extract data from the restic backup repository - `` load new data and clean after the project was restarted in the snapshot version, - `deploy.pre.yml` ansible tasks to execute before project deployment, ie. spawn postgres - `` ansible tasks to execute after project deployment, ie. create users from inventory - `vars.yml` plugin variables declaration Operations ========== By default, it happens in /home/yourprefix-yourinstance. Contents depend on the activated plugins. In the /home/ directory of the role or project there are scripts: - `` standalone command to start the project container, feel free to have on that one - `` cause a secure backup, upload with lftp if inventory defines dsn - `` recovers the secure backup repository with lftp if inventory desfines dsn. Without argument` list snapshots. With a snapshot argument` proceed to a restore of that snapshot including project image version and plugin data - `` removes un-needed old backup snapshots - `log` logs that playlabs rotates for you, just fill in log files, it will do a copy truncate though, but works until you need prometheus or something For backups to enable, you need to set backup_password, either with -e, either through yourpefix_yourinstance_backup_password. The restic repository is encrypted, if you set the lftp_dsn or yourprefix_yourinstance_lftp_dsn then it will use lftp to mirror them. If you trash the local restic repository, and run, then it will fetch the repository with lftp.