Hosts inventory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While running playlabs with ``@hostname`` arguments is nice to experiment with, it won't scale with many machines nor will be convenient to automate playlabs calls. Most roles require an inventory to be really fun. Pre-requisite ============= Clone the inventory repository that you have been given if any. If it doesn't work, make sure that the git server knows your ssh public key if authenticating with SSH. If you haven't been given an inventory repository to clone, create one with the scaffolt command (note that you can have as many inventories as you want):: playlabs scaffold your-inventory Adding a new host ================= Hosts are defined in the ``inventory.yml`` file of the inventory repository, use the ``all`` variable to add them in no specific group: .. code-block:: yaml all: hosts: # adds a host with no extra option otherhost: fqdn: yourdomain.tld ansible_port: 22 ansible_host: Setting host groups =================== You can link hosts to groups in the ``children`` variable of the ``inventory.yml`` YAML document. For example, if you want ``playlabs install ssh,netdata`` without argument (for CI likely) to apply on ``otherhost``, then this will work: .. code-block:: yaml children: netdata-ssh: hosts: otherhost